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Welcome to the St. Joseph River Basin Commission

The St. Joseph River Basin Commission (SJRBC) was established by the Indiana General Assembly in 1988 to improve water quality, encourage conservation and increase coordinated management of the water and related land resources within the St. Joseph River Basin. The governance and funding comes entirely from the Indiana portion of the basin, but the SJRBC is authorized to work with Michigan to improve water management throughout the watershed.

According to IC 14-30-3, the Commission should:


Program Started

July 2021
New water monitoring program assesses stream health using macroinvertebrate as biological indicators.

North Branch
Elkhart River
Streamgage Installation

November 2020
Three new CrowdHydrology streamgages installed in the North Branch of the Elkhart River Watershed.

North Branch
Elkhart River
Planning Project

November 2020
A flood risk management plan was developed to assess the overall health of the North Branch of the Elkhart River.

Better Drain

October 2020
The Commission is working with local drainage officials to create incentives for conservation.

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